Number |
Date |
Speaker |
Title (click the title to see abstract ) |
(106th) |
March 4,
2025 |
Prof. Shunji Kotsuki (Chiba University, Japan / RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Combining ensemble data assimilation with AI-based Weather Prediction Model
(105th) |
February 19,
2025 |
Dr. Luciano Vidal (National Meteorological Service, Argentina) |
On the use of remote sensing data for quantitative precipitation estimation in Argentina in the framework of the PREVENIR Project
(105th) |
February 19,
2025 |
Dr. Juan Ruiz (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina / RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Analog data assimilation for the selection of suitable general circulation models
(104th) |
January 8,
2025 |
Prof. Chanh Kieu (Indiana University) |
On the predictability of AI models for weather prediction
(103rd) |
November 14,
2024 |
Prof. Serge Guillas (University College London) |
Gaussian Process emulation of simulators, with application to convection, climate simulations, and tsunami detection from buoys and satellites through history matching of simulations
(102nd) |
November 13,
2024 |
Dr. Shun Ohishi (RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Development of an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based ocean data assimilation system
(101st) |
September 24,
2024 |
Dr. Yohei Hosoe (Kyoto University) |
Control theory for nonstationary stochastic systems and its applications
(100th) |
July 10,
2024 |
Dr. Yuta Tarumi (Prefrerred Networks, Inc.) |
Deep Bayesian Filter for nonlinear data assimilation
(99th) |
June 7,
2024 |
Dr. Jianyu Liang (RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Analyzing the Instabilities in the Venus Atmosphere Using Bred Vectors
(99th) |
June 7,
2024 |
Dr. Jianyu Liang (RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Analyzing the Instabilities in the Venus Atmosphere Using Bred Vectors
(98th) |
March 19,
2024 |
Prof. John Wells (Ritsumeikan University, Japan / RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Tools to evaluate 3D hydrodynamic simulations of stratified lakes, and to assimilate limited temperature observations
(97th) |
January 23,
2024 |
Prof. Shunji Kotsuki (Chiba University, Japan / RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Quantum Data Assimilation: A New Approach to Solve Data Assimilation on Quantum Annealers
(96th) |
November 20,
2023 |
Dr. Shigenori Otsuka (Research Scientist, RIKEN, R-CCS) |
Precipitation nowcasting with deep learning
(95th) |
October 6,
2023 |
Dr. Meghan Cronin (Oceanographer, NOAA /PMEL & Guest Professor, The University of Tokyo) |
Observing Air-Sea Interactions in Frontal Regions from the Tropics to Western Boundary Current Extensions
(94th) |
July 3,
2023 |
Dr. Tobias Necker, (University of Vienna, Austria / RIKEN,R-CCS) |
The Potential of Large Ensemble Simulations: Insights from 5 Years of Research with a 1000-Member Ensemble.
(93rd) |
June 26,
2023 |
Dr. Prashant Kumar, (Indian Space Research Organisation, India) |
The Assimilation Impact of Indian Satellites to Improve Short Range Weather Prediction using WRF Model
(92nd) |
January 20,
2023 |
Prof. Takahiro Hosono (Kumamoto University, Japan) |
Making contamination future scenario: toward sustainable management of groundwater and surface water resources
(91st) |
November 14,
2022 |
Dr. Atsushi Okazaki (Hirosaki University, Japan) |
Observation error estimation in climate proxies with data assimilation and innovation statistics
(90th) |
October 21,
2022 |
Prof. Ronan Fablet (IMT Atlantique, France) |
4DVarNets to learn Variational Data Assimilation and Solvers: application to space oceanography
(89th) |
September 14,
2022 |
Prof. Shunji Kotsuki (Chiba University, Japan) |
Combining Data Assimilation and Sparse Sensing Placement Method For Designing Better Observing Networks
(88th) |
May 11,
2022 |
Ms. Audrey Gonzalo (RIKEN) |
Towards acceleration of a high-resolution weather model with machine learning: a summary of short-IPA internship
(87th) |
April 6,
2022 |
Prof. Craig H. Bishop (University of Melbourne, Australia) |
The Bounded Variable Ensemble Transform Filter: A non-linear, non-Gaussian extension of the LETKF
(86th) |
February 18,
2022 |
Prof. Bo-Wen Shen (San Diego State University, USA) |
Coexisting Chaotic and Non-chaotic Attractors, Multistability, Multiscale Instability, and Predictability within Lorenz Models
(85th) |
January 20,
2022 |
Prof. Avelino F. Arellano (University of Arizona, USA) |
The Impact of Precipitable Water Vapor Data Assimilation on North American Monsoon Precipitation Forecast in Northern Mexico
(84th) |
January 7,
2022 |
Prof. Keiya Yumimoto (Kyushu Univesrsity) |
Integration of aerosol satellite retrieval and data assimilation
(83rd) |
Novermber 29,
2021 |
Prof. Naoki Hirose (Kyushu Univesrsity) |
Moderately-determined data assimilation with coastal ocean models
(82nd) |
Novermber 5,
2021 |
Dr. Philippe Baron (NICT) |
Study of 3D recurrent neural networks for very short-term prediction of torrential rains with a Multi-Parameter Phased-Array Radar (MP-PAWR)
(81st) |
September 30,
2021 |
Dr. Shunsuke Noguchi (JAMSTEC) |
Gravity wave resolving prediction experiments by using a Japanese Atmospheric GCM for Upper Atmosphere Research (JAGUAR) and its data assimilation product |
(80th) |
July 16,
2021 |
Dr. Milija Zupanski (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) |
An ensemble data assimilation method with state-space covariance localization and global numerical optimization |
(79th) |
June 23,
2021 |
Dr. Akira Yamazaki (JAMSTEC) |
EFSO at different geographical locations verified with observing-system experiments |
(78th) |
April 14,
2021 |
Dr. Pierre Tandeo (IMT Atlantique) |
Narrowing uncertainties in climate projections using data science tools |
(77th) |
April 9,
2021 |
Mr. Thomas Hitchcock (University of St Andrews) |
Conflicts and trade-offs in relation to sex |
(76th) |
March 31,
2021 |
Dr. Yicun Zhen (Ifremer & IMT Atlantique) & Dr. Arata Amemiya (R-CCS) |
Location uncertainty from another point of view/ Connecting Data Assimilation and Neural ODE |
(75th) |
March 18,
2021 |
Dr. Maha Mdini (R-CCS) & Dr. Simon Benaichouche (IMT Atlantique & e-odyn) |
Accelerating Climate Model Computation by Neural Networks/ Variational learning of sea surface current reconstructions from AIS data streams |
(74th) |
March 3,
2021 |
Mr. Aurelien Colin (IMT Atlantique & CLS, France) & Dr. Hirotaka Hachiya (Wakayama University, Japan) |
Semantic Segmentation of Metocean Processes and Estimation of Ancillary Data/ Spatio-temporal integration of forecast guidance outputs using U-Net |
(73rd) |
February 17,
2021 |
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
(R-CCS, Japan) |
Big Data, Big Computation, and Machine Learning in Numerical Weather Prediction. |
(72nd) |
December 8,
2020 |
Dr. Maha Mdini
(R-CCS, Japan) |
Accelerating Climate Model Computation by Neural Networks: A comparative study. |
(71st) |
November 20,
2020 |
Dr. Koji Terasaki
(R-CCS, Japan) |
Including the horizontal observation error correlation in the assimilation of AMSU-A data. |
(70th) |
October 1,
2020 |
Prof. Shu-Chih Yang
(NCU, Taiwan) |
Recent improvements of the NCU convective-scale ensemble data assimilation system and their impact on short-term precipitation prediction in Taiwan. |
(69th) |
September 11,
2020 |
Prof. Shunji Kotsuki and Dr. Keiichi Kondo
(Chiba University and JMA-MRI) |
A local particle filter based on non-Gaussian statistics using an intermediate AGCM (Dr. Kondo). A Local Particle Filter and Its Gaussian Mixture Extension: Experiments with an Intermediate AGCM (Prof. Kotsuki) |
(68th) |
July 20,
2020 |
Prof. Yohei Sawada
(University of Tokyo) |
Advancing hydrometerological prediction by the integration of process-based simulation and machine learning |
(67th) |
June 10,
2020 |
Dr. Guo-Yuan Lien
(CWB, Taiwan) |
Recent data assimilation work at Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and perspectives on its global NWP development |
(66th) |
May 1,
2020 |
Dr. James Taylor
(R-CCS) |
Oversampling Reflectivity Observations from a Geostationary Precipitation Radar Satellite: Impact on Typhoon Forecasts within an OSSE Framework |
(65th) |
Dec 2,
2019 |
Dr. Shun Ohishi
(Nagoya University) |
An LETKF-based ocean data assimilation system for the Asia-Oceania region |
(64th) |
Oct 25,
2019 |
Dr. Naoto Nakano
(Kyoto University) |
Data driven modeling using reservoir dynamics |
(63rd) |
Sep 30,
2019 |
Prof. Michael Ng
(Hong Kong University) |
Robust Tensor Completion and Its Applications |
(62nd) |
Sep 10,
2019 |
Prof. Shu-Chih Yang
(National Central University, Taiwan) |
Recent developments and challenges of the regional ensemble data assimilation system for high-impact weather prediction in Taiwan |
(61st) |
Aug 21,
2019 |
Dr. Shigenori Otsuka
RIKEN Nowcast: optical flow and machine learning |
(60th) |
July 3,
2019 |
Dr. Tse-Chun Chen
(University of Maryland) |
How to improve forecasts by identifying and deleting detrimental observations |
(59th) |
May 31,
2019 |
Professor Serge Guillas
(U College London) |
Statistical emulation to quantify uncertainties in tsunami
modelling using high performance computing |
(58th) |
May 7,
2019 |
Prof. Ming-Cheng Shiue
(NCTU) |
Mathematical analysis of data assimilation algorithms based on synchronization of truth and models |
(57th) |
Apr 25,
2019 |
Dr. Atsushi Okazaki
Impact of geostationary satellite borne precipitation radar on numerical weather prediction: An observing system simulation experiment with an ensemble Kalman filter for a typhoon case |
(56th) |
Feb 1,
2019 |
Dr. Tie Dai
Development and application of aerosol data assimilation in NICAM |
(55th) |
Jan 28,
2019 |
Ms. Jemima Tabeart
(U of Reading) |
Using reconditioning to study the impact of correlated observation errors in the Met Office 1D-Var system |
(54th) |
Jan 28,
2019 |
Dr. Alison Fowler
(U of Reading) |
Data compression in the presence of observation error correlations |
(53rd) |
Jan 18,
2019 |
Prof. Eugenia Kalnay
(U of Maryland) |
Can large-scale solar and wind farms create a significant climate change? A model experiment in the Sahara |
(52nd) |
Dec 19,
2018 |
Dr. Tetsuo Nakazawa
Is the Trend in Tropical Cyclone Formation Frequency due to Global Warming? |
(51st) |
Nov 13,
2018 |
Prof. Roland Potthast
(DWD/U of Reading) |
New Observations and Algorithmic Developments for Convective Scale Ensemble Data Assimilation |
(50th) |
Oct 25,
2018 |
Dr. Jing-Shan Hong
(CWB, Taiwan) |
Re-Center algorithm on the Continuous Cycling Radar Data Assimilation: Multi-scale Blending Scheme |
(49th) |
Jul 27,
2018 |
Prof. Pierre Tandeo
(IMT Atlantique) |
Data-driven methods in geophysics |
2018-07 (48th) |
Jul 27,
2018 |
Dr. Hironori Arai
(U Tokyo) |
Establishing an integrated MRV system of Greenhouse gas emission from wetlands with Japanese earth-observation/modelling technologies and a data assimilation technique |
2018-06 (47th) |
Jun 28, 2018 |
Prof. John C. Wells (Ritsumeikan U) |
Towards nowcasting in Lake Biwa: field tests of acoustic tomography, and discussion of some theorems relating the flow at a water surface to that below |
2018-05 (46th) |
Apr 17, 2018 |
Dr. Kohei Takatama (R-CCS) |
Regional atmospheric data assimilation coupled with an ocean mixed layer model: a case of typhoon Soudelor (2015) |
2018-04 (45th) |
Feb 16, 2018 |
Prof. Pierre Tandeo (IMT Atlantique) |
The analog data assimilation: method, applications and implementation |
2018-03 (44th) |
Feb 9, 2018 |
Prof. Roland Potthast (DWD/U of Reading) |
Data Assimilation From Minutes to Days |
2018-02 (43rd) |
Jan 29, 2018 |
Dr. Shinsuke Satoh (NICT) |
Three-dimensional precipitation data measured by phased array weather radar every 30 seconds |
2018-01 (42nd) |
Jan 18, 2018 |
Prof. David J. Stensrud (Penn State U) |
(Canceled) |
2017-16 (41st) |
Dec 11, 2017 |
Dr. Tsuyoshi Thomas Sekiyama (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency) |
Data assimilation of atmospheric chemistry: past, present, and future |
2017-15 (40th) |
Nov 17, 2017 |
Prof. Yusuke Uchiyama (Kobe U) |
Challenges and issues in forward regional ocean modeling: Eddies, terrestrial influences, and surface gravity waves |
2017-14 (39th) |
Oct 12, 2017 |
Mr. Krishnamoorthy Chandramouli (IIT Madras) Dr. Koji Terasaki (R-CCS) |
Impact of assimilating humidity sounder radiances with the NICAM-LETKF system |
2017-13 (38th) |
Sep 26, 2017 |
Mr. Cheng Da (U of Maryland) Dr. Guo-Yuan Lien (RIKEN AICS) |
Assimilation of the GSMaP Precipitation Data with the SCALE-LETKF System |
2017-12 (37th) |
Aug 16, 2017 |
Ms. Paula Maldonado (CONICET-U of Buenos Aires) |
Radar Data Assimilation in a Case of Deep Convection in Argentina |
2017-11 (36th) |
Aug 16, 2017 |
Mr. Sam Hatfield (Oxford U) |
How low can you go? Reducing the precision of data assimilation to improve forecast skill |
2017-10 (35th) |
Aug 4, 2017 |
Dr. Chih-Chien Tsai (TTFRI, Taiwan) |
Preliminary Experimental Results of Polarimetric Radar Data Assimilation in the Case of Typhoon Soudelor (2015) |
2017-09 (34th) |
Jun 26, 2017 |
Dr. Toshio Iguchi (NICT) |
Radar Measurement of Precipitation from Space: TRMM/PR and GPM/DPR rain retrieval algorithms data |
2017-08 (33rd) |
May 18, 2017 |
Dr. Guo-Yuan Lien (RIKEN AICS) |
30-second-cycle convection-resolving data assimilation of dense phased array weather radar data |
2017-07 (32nd) |
Mar 7, 2017 |
Dr. Alison Fowler (U of Reading) |
On the interaction of observation and a-priori error correlations in data assimilation |
2017-06 (31st) |
Mar 7, 2017 |
Dr. Joanne A. Waller (U of Reading) |
Diagnosing observation error statistics for numerical weather prediction |
2017-05 (30th) |
Mar 7, 2017 |
Prof. Nancy K. Nichols (U of Reading) |
New applications and challenges in data assimilation |
2017-04 (29th) |
Mar 6, 2017 |
Prof. Steven J. Greybush (Penn State U) |
Ensembles, Data Assimilation, and Predictability for Winter Storms |
2017-03 (28th) |
Mar 6, 2017 |
Prof. Eugenia Kalnay (U of Maryland) |
Modeling Sustainability: Coupling Earth and Human System Models |
2017-02 (27th) |
Feb 7, 2017 |
Prof. Hiromichi Nagao (U of Tokyo) |
Promises and Challenges in Assimilation of Infrared and Microwave All-sky Satellite Radiances for Convection-Permitting Analysis and Prediction |
2017-01 (26th) |
Jan 13, 2017 |
Prof. Fuqing Zhang (Penn State U) |
Data assimilation for massive autonomous systems based on a second-order adjoint method |
2016-09 (25th) |
Dec 22, 2016 |
Dr. Takahiro Nishimichi (Kavli IPMU, U of Tokyo) |
Dark Emulator: cosmic large-scale structures and parameter estimate |
2016-08 (24th) |
Dec 21, 2016 |
Dr. Takumi Honda (RIKEN AICS) |
Assimilating All-Sky Himawari-8 Satellite Infrared Radiances: Preliminary Case Studies |
2016-07 (23rd) |
Nov 24, 2016 |
Mr. Yasumitsu Maejima (RIKEN AICS) |
Impacts of dense and frequent surface observations on a sudden severe rainstorm forecast: A case of an isolated convective system |
2016-06 (22nd) |
June 13, 2016 |
Mr. Yasutaka Ikuta (JMA) |
Assimilation of GPM/DPR at JMA |
2016-05 (21st) |
Apr 14, 2016 |
Dr. Yohei Sawada (RIKEN AICS) |
Advancing land data assimilation science to monitor terrestrial water and vegetation dynamics |
2016-04 (20th) |
Mar 16, 2016 |
Dr. Juan Ruiz (U Buenos Aires (CIMA)/RIKEN AICS) |
Implementation and evaluation of a regional data assimilation system based on WRF-LETKF |
2016-03 (19th) |
Mar 7, 2016 |
Prof. Roland Potthast (DWD/U of Reading) |
On Ensemble and Particle Filters for Large-Scale Data Assimilation |
2016-02 (18th) |
Mar 2, 2016 |
Ms. Chang Yaping (CAS) Dr. Shunji Kotsuki (RIKEN AICS) |
Ensemble data assimilation of MODIS surface temperature into land surface model |
2016-01 (17th) |
Feb 17, 2016 |
Mr. Sho Yokota
Comparison between LETKF and EnVAR with observation localization |
2015-10 (16th) |
Dec 25, 2015 |
Dr. Shunji Kotsuki (RIKEN AICS) |
Ensemble Data Assimilation of GSMaP precipitation into the nonhydrostatic global atmospheric model NICAM |
2015-09 (15th) |
Dec 15, 2015 |
Dr. Kozo Okamoto (MRI-JMA/RIKEN AICS) |
Assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiances |
2015-08 (14th) |
Oct 21, 2015 |
Prof. Kosuke Ito (U of the Ryukyus) |
Advanced data assimilation techniques for predicting tropical cyclone intensities |
2015-07 (13th) |
Sep 16, 2015 |
Mr. Shumpei Terauchi (U of Tsukuba) Dr. Guo-Yuan Lien (RIKEN AICS) |
Verification of the near-real-time weather forecasts and study on 2015 typhoon Nangka with the SCALE-LETKF system |
2015-06 (12th) |
Sep 2, 2015 |
Dr. Daisuke Hotta (JMA) |
Diagnostic methods for ensemble data assimilation |
2015-05 (11th) |
Jun 25, 2015 |
Dr. Koji Terasaki (RIKEN AICS) |
Applying the Local Transform Ensemble Kalman Filter to the non-hydrostatic atmospheric model NICAM |
2015-04 (10th) |
Jun 5, 2015 |
Prof. S. Lakshmivarahan (U of Oklahoma) |
Nonlinear dynamics and Predicitability |
2015-03 (9th) |
Apr 17, 2015 |
Prof. Takeshi Enomoto (Kyoto U/JAMSTEC) |
Assimilation and forecast experiments using bright band heights |
2015-02 (8th) |
Mar 24, 2015 |
Dr. Shigenori Otsuka (RIKEN AICS) |
Towards 100-m resolution prediction of local convective storms: predictability and nowcasting |
2015-01 (7th) |
Jan 20, 2015 |
Dr. Nobumasa Komori (JAMSTEC) |
Development of an ensemble-based data assimilation system with a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM |
2014-06 (6th) |
Dec 26, 2014 |
Dr. Keiichi Kondo (RIKEN AICS) |
The 10,240-member ensemble Kalman filtering with an intermediate AGCM without localization |
2014-05 (5th) |
Nov 26, 2014 |
Prof. Shin-ichiro Shima (U of Hyogo/RIKEN AICS) |
Data assimilation experiments of the dynamic global vegetation model SEIB-DGVM with simulated GPP observations |
2014-04 (4th) |
Nov 26, 2014 |
Prof. Takeshi Ise (Kyoto U) |
Simulating terrestrial ecosystems: current progress and future perspectives |
2014-03 (3rd) |
Oct 31, 2014 |
Prof. Masayuki Yokozawa (Shizuoka U) |
Evaluating the productivities of major crops at the global scale using process-based crop model |
2014-02 (2nd) |
Sep 10, 2014 |
Dr. Guo-Yuan Lien (RIKEN AICS) |
Ensemble Assimilation of Global Large-scale Precipitation |
2014-01 (1st) |
July 23, 2014 |
Dr. Juan Ruiz (U of Buenos Aires (CIMA)/RIKEN AICS) |
Efficient parameter estimation for numerical weather prediction models using data assimilation |